With the new year comes a laundry list of resolutions made with the best intention of turning you into better version of yourself. Even if some of these goals have already fallen to the wayside, there is one you should try hard to keep, as it can affect every aspect of your life – improving your sleep.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35% of U.S. adults are not getting the recommended seven hours of sleep each night. Make 2021 that year you finally do something about it.
Resolutions to Improve Your Sleep
In order to improve your sleep and quality of life this year, sleep experts recommending making (and keeping) the following resolutions.
Resolve to Sleep Enough Each Night
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, adults aged 18-60 years old should sleep at least seven hours each night. Going to bed the same time every night can help you meet this goal. If you find that it is hard to pry yourself off the couch, try setting a bedtime alarm to remind you when you should start getting ready for bed.
Resolve to Improve Sleep Quality
Not all sleep is created equal; just because you are lying in bed for seven hours a night does not mean you will wake up feeling refreshed.

In order to improve the quality of sleep you are getting, try creating a relaxing environment. Remove distractions, such as a television from your bedroom and try to stay off your phone at least 30 minutes before going to sleep.
Drinking beverages with alcohol or caffeine and smoking cigarettes can disrupt your sleep, as can eating a large meal before bed.
Updating your bedroom to create a comfortable setting can also help improve your sleep. That can include purchasing a few new pillows or throw blankets from your favorite shop at The Village Medford Center to make the room cozier or finally getting a more comfortable mattress.
Resolve to Meet with a Professional for Your Sleep Disorder
If you continue to struggle falling asleep, staying asleep or remaining awake during the day, this may be the sign of a sleep disorder. Your sleep doctor will review your medical history and list of symptoms and may decide to order a sleep study, which can be conducted in your own home or at the clinic, in order to get additional information.
Once a diagnosis has been made, your sleep doctor can put together a treatment plan to help you finally find relief.
To learn more about how to improve your sleep in 2021 or to schedule an appointment with a medical professional, contact Oregon Ear, Nose & Throat Center today.