Next time you shiver when you see a spider at the Jacksonville Woodlands, take comfort in the fact that they may one day help your hearing.
Spider Silk for Better Hearing 
Studies have shown that spider silk may be an ideal material to create better directional microphones in hearing aids. This could improve sound quality in places with a lot of background noise, especially if multiple people are talking from different directions.
This would make it easier for people with hearing aids to focus in on conversations at:
- Large work meetings or conferences
- Busy restaurants
- Large parties or family get-togethers
Mimicking a Fly’s Ears in Hearing Aid Technology
It’s not just spiders who could help improve hearing aid technology. Researchers at the University of Toronto are studying a small fly known as Ormia ochracea to help with directional hearing.
In an article on the university’s website, Andrew Mason, an associate professor of biology at the University of Toronto-Scarborough is quoted as saying:
“These flies have highly specialized ears that provide the most acute directional hearing of any animal. The mechanism that makes their hearing so exceptional has even led to a range of bio-inspired technology, like the mini-directional microphones used in hearing aids.”
Treat Your Hearing Loss Now
While this research is certainly exciting, it’s also in its early stages. If you are experiencing hearing loss, don’t wait until this technology becomes a reality. Treat your hearing loss now.
Keep an eye out for any early signs, which include:
- Struggling to follow conversations in groups. This is especially true in places with lots of background noise.
- Feeling like people are often mumbling, or you need them to repeat themselves often.
- Noticing that phone conversations are hard to follow.
- Others comment on your hearing.
If any of these signs sound familiar, make an appointment for a hearing test as soon as possible. Nearly all hearing loss is progressive. The sooner it is diagnosed, the more successful treatment will be.
Treatment with hearing aids improves your ability to hear speech and connect with others. It also benefits your physical and mental health and can help prevent cognitive problems as well.
If you would like more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Oregon Ear, Nose & Throat Center today.