One of the essential parts of taking care of your hearing aids is finding a safe place to store them at night while you sleep. Let’s look at some of the best places to store your hearing aids, as well as a few places you should never keep them.
Best Places to Store Hearing Aids 
Classic Options
The nightstand is an easy, accessible place to store your hearing aids every night. You can take them out right before you go to bed, wipe them off, put them on the stand and pop them back in first thing in the morning.
A jewelry box is another standard option for storing important accessories. The box keeps moisture away from your hearing aids and can be especially convenient if you store other daily accessories in there as well.
Drying Boxes for Extra Care
Moisture buildup can wreak havoc on your hearing aids. Minimizing the amount of moisture in hearing aids is essential to keep them functioning properly. That’s one reason why it’s so important to wipe down your device every day before bed. Drying boxes are small boxes that use air and heat to dry hearing aids. Some even use UV light to not only dry your hearing aids but kill off bacteria as well. If you don’t have a drying box, a hearing aid dehumidifier with desiccant beads is another effective option for keeping your hearing aids dry and safe.
Unconventional but Effective
Next time you’re at the Medford Food Co-op consider picking up an extra bag of rice as an emergency dry storage option for your hearing aids. Though it may sound odd, uncooked rice can serve as a stand-in for drying boxes and dehumidifiers to remove moisture from your hearing aids. If you ever get caught in the rain or forget to take your hearing aids out before you shower, uncooked rice can help save your device from permanent damage.
Worst Places to Store Hearing Aids
Forget What You’ve Heard About the Refrigerator
Some people like to store batteries and electronics in their fridges because of the belief that the cold will help preserve battery life. While it is true that you want to store your hearing aids in a cool environment the moisture in your refrigerator (or freezer) can easily damage your device.
Avoid Humidity
Like your nightstand, your bathroom might seem like an easy place to take out and put in your hearing aids every day, but you’d be mistaken. Moisture from your bathroom, especially after a hot shower, can damage your hearing aids and battery. Stick to a room with less humidity!
By now you are probably catching on to a theme: Moisture and humidity are bad for you hearing aids! Wherever you decide to store your hearing aids, make sure that place is cool, dry and accessible. Your hearing aids are an investment in your health and quality of life. Make sure to follow the best practices to take care of them.
If you have any questions or concerns about how to care for your hearing aids or to schedule an appointment with a hearing professional, contact Oregon Ear, Nose & Throat Center today.