The Essentials for Hospital Stays with Hearing Loss
Hospital stays are always a nerve-wracking experience. No one wants to be sick and separated from family and loved ones. However, medical emergencies do arise, and it is important to not delay care. Hospital stays can pose extra challenges to those with hearing loss. This problem is compounded by the fact that, in general, people…
Hearing Aids Can Prevent Major Issues
Millions of people are living with some degree of hearing loss. Unfortunately, only about 20% of those with hearing loss actually seek treatment. Untreated hearing loss can do more than impact your ability to hear, it can be dangerous. Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Memory & Cognitive Abilities Your brain is used to receiving a…
The Connection Between Hearing Loss & Speech Comprehension
Speech comprehension is the ability to take in speech sounds, understand their meaning and store the information. There’s a strong link between hearing ability and speech comprehension, as children rely on their hearing to develop their ability to comprehend speech. Because of this, it’s important to be proactive about your child’s hearing health. How Hearing…
October is Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment…
Why You Should Choose Custom Hearing Protection
While earplugs are all designed with the same goal—to protect your ear from harmful noises—they are not created equal. Disposable one-size-fits-all earplugs have their place, but they pale in comparison to the level of comfort and protection achieved with custom earplugs. Below we explain why you should choose custom earplugs when looking to protect your…
Protect Your Hearing This Summer
The Pacific Northwest has a reputation for “June gloom,” but eventually the sun will break out and Eugene residents will be celebrating glorious summer weather. Warmer temperatures mean more outdoor activities – but also more health risks. Next time you venture out, make sure you carry more than just sunscreen to keep you safe. Hearing…
Tips for Traveling with Hearing Loss
Even the most ardent Oregonian will occasionally feel the desire to get away. For residents of Medford, the lure of the open road may be impossible to resist. When you have hearing loss, traveling can be difficult. Fortunately, we’ve got tips to help make the experience a smooth and enjoyable one, whether you’re planning a…